Focus on 5
Farm-tested products that redefine the next level of cow comfort.
Economic incentives have encouraged producers
to expand herd size; consequently there has been
a gradual change from pasture-based operations to
confinement-type housing systems. Advantages include
improved access to feed and water, protection from
enviornmental conditions, and improved hygiene and
comfort. With this criteria in mind, our goal is to provide
high quality farm solutions along with effective
logistics and sales channels. We work hard to ensure
that dairy producers worldwide have access to the best
products to take your cows to the next level in cow
comfort, hoof health and increased milk production.
Designed for Farmers, by Farmers

Improve cow comfort with Focus on 5.

The health of your herd is a key focus of Agri-Comfort. Using our products in a hygenic environment optimizes udder and hock health as well as their foot and leg condition in all areas of your operation.

All Agri-Comfort products are designed to withstand the rigors of day-to-day, aggressive cleaning, bedding, and traffic in any type of manure system.

Your cows needs their “Vitamin R”. The importance of rest is paramount to the production and health of your herd. All of our Agri-Comfort products are engineered to optimize your cows time budget as it relates to feeding, grooming, milking and resting.

Rest and locomotion in a cow-friendly environment translates to cow longevity. All of our products work in conjunction with ventilation, lighting, and feed management.

Optimizing rumination is the goal of Agri-Comfort’s stall products. Stall comfort translates into better health and productivity as the cows rest is directly related to milk yield. Our variety of stall bed options can be matched to your preferred bedding material.
Why grow your business with Agri-Comfort?
Tough enough.
All Agri-Comfort products are engineered and pre-tested before we supply them to our customers. From the raw materials to the factory-backed warranties, we are adamant in our committment to durability.
Cow friendly, farmer friendly.
From installation to daily maintenance, our products are designed for labor efficiency, durability and comfort. Your time is valuable, your herd health is an investment. It’s our priviledge at Agri-Comfort to partner in a mutual committment to success!

“The majority of cows prefer to walk and stand on soft rubber than on concrete flooring.”
– Journal of Dairy Science (2007)